HackEbola @ UMass-Amherst (Nov 21-23)


Join western Massachusetts data scientists, statisticians, and digital humanitarians for a weekend-long hackathon event focused on wrangling data to gain new insights into the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Register now!

Logistics and Schedule

These are the central datasets for HackEbola.

This event will be held at UMass-Amherst in the Lederle Graduate Research Center Room 1634. The detailed schedule is available as a PDF. The schedule includes the following highlights:

Participants will be encouraged to work in teams at the UMass campus on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. Snacks, beverages, and lunches will served free of cost to participants.

Anyone is welcome to participate, but please register in advance, so we know how many participants to plan for!


Slides from Friday’s presentations:

For those interested in learning more about ebola or seeing data on the current outbreak, here are some places to start:

(Please suggest other resources to add in the comments section below or via pull request on GitHub!)


You can get the data from here. You should also register on ChallengePost for more information.


Interested in volunteering for HackEbola? Are you an expert who could give a mini-lecture or tutorial on an Ebola-related topic? Able to help to organize and promote the event? Or just willing to help clean up after the event? When you register, please indicate your interest in volunteering on the registration form.


This event is being held in conjunction with the HackEbola event at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.


Thanks to our sponsors! They include the Division of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, the UMass-Amherst GRiD student group and the Western Massachusetts Data Science, Stats, and R Meetup.

Thanks also to the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at UMass Amherst for allowing us to use one of the department’s seminar rooms for the workshop.

We could not have done this without your support.

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