
Welcome. This is the webpage of the GRiD group.

The GRiD or “Graduate Researchers in Data” is the first group for UMass Amherst graduate students that has a focus on data science. We are a recognized graduate student organization. You can check out our constitution here.

Officially, any UMass Amherst graduate student that is interested in data science in some form. We are expecting a group of people working and approaching data from different angles, such as mathematicians, statisticians, physicists, astronomers, bio-statisticians, computer and social scientists. Even if you think you may work with some form of data in the future, then you should join.

Unofficially, anyone can come and take part in the discussion.

The best thing of being part of a group of student researchers is that you get to learn cool stuff without really paying attention to the process of learning. Even though we do realize that some of the topics covered will probably be very specific and not suitable for all, we still think that the events will probably have something to offer to everybody. You never know when/how you can use a particular tool until you learn a couple of things about it.

  1. Check our calendar for our next event and come join us.
  2. Send an e-mail to the officers of the group “grid-officers@cns.umass.edu” for more information.

This website runs on Jekyll and is currently hosted on GitHubPages. Original theme designed by Aigars Dzerviniks.